Spring time in West Virginia is the best time to explore the outdoors. One of the most child- and family-friendly events is the Mountain Beckon Bicycle Parade & Rodeo. Over the past 5 years families in Randolph County have loaded up little bicycles and headed to downtown Elkins for a free and fun morning of riding bikes and learning about bike safety.

The Sixth annual event held May 21st celebrates Bicycle Safety Month. Presented by Elkins Main Street, the event is made possible with assistance from Joey’s Bike Shop and support from other downtown businesses, including Davis Medical Center, Fancy Paws, Hopscotch, Kissel Stop, Papa John’s Pizza, Pioneer Insurance Agency, Inc., Seven Performance, Third Street Trading Company, TD’s Classic Tees, and radio stations WELK 94.7, and WDNE 98.9.
Registration begins at 9 am in the parking lot beside City Hall. The first 35 children age 12 and younger will receive a free t-shirt courtesy of Pioneer Insurance. The t-shirt design will feature artwork by a local student. Riders must be accompanied by an adult at registration and must wear helmets and closed toe shoes. Adults may walk or ride alongside children in the parade. City streets will be barricaded for the parade, which will be led by Elkins Mayor Van Broughton and Elkins City Police, and followed by the Elkins Fire Department. The young riders will eagerly ride their decorated bikes along the parade route on Davis Avenue from Fifth Street to Third Street, ending in Front of Joey’s Bike Shop. The children’s parade features a contest for the best decorated bike and rider in several categories including Flower Power, Wild Camo, Super Hero, Sparkle & Shine, and Color Crazy. Even Mayor Broughton joins in the fun by giving out the Mayor’s Choice Award and riding along with the parade.
Immediately following parade, the bike rodeo begins where young riders practice their skill on a traffic cone course. Bike safety classes are provided free of charge with instruction on correct hand signals and how to properly fit a riding helmet. The morning wraps up with lots of happy kids and lots of smiling parents who see the value of encouraging youngsters to take part in healthy outdoor activities.