Honoring Heroes: Mayor Broughton’s Memorial Day Speech

This speech was given on Memorial Day in 2014.

Good Afternoon, I am honored, as Mayor of this great city to have the privilege to speak before our hometown hero’s that has been faithful to sacrifice your time and life for the freedom of our great country!

Publicly, today, we are confirming that your service for this great nation to remain, one nation under God, has been through faithful people like you,…..to go to places of hardship,….. and do a service that required many laying down their lives!

There has been many, that served in times of war that have memories that cannot even be spoken out loud.

We thank you today, no matter what your service was, whether in time of peace or war, we appreciate you, and pray for the healing of your mind and heart that your today, and your future will be one of great peace and joy!

President Reagan, many years ago honored a young American private, named Martin A. Treptow , killed in France in World War I., and was written into American history books by President Reagan as one of our war heros!

Martin Treptow, left his job in a small-town barber shop in 1917 to go to France with the famed Rainbow Division,” Martin A. Treptow born 1894-Died 1918 at 24 years of age, in line of duty!

After Pvt. Treptow, was killed, a diary was found in which he had inscribed the following pledge:

But before I read, Pvt. Treptow’s, pledge today, we recognize the private in the history books stated the heart of each fallen hero that we are honoring and remembering and the hero’s that i am standing before this day!

This is what was written:

”America must win this war. Therefore I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.”

To say, you are loved and appreciated for your life of sacrifice, sounds so feeble, but this day, recognize that we thank you and honor you!


We appreciate this Memorial Day service as a time to pause and be thankful for the service of our fallen and wounded military. Please bow your hearts in honor of these great servants for our country!

Our Heavenly Father, we thank you for the love and sacrifice of those that have gone before us and gave their lives for us,…that we may live a life of freedom! We thank you for strength to go forward…… and we thank you for giving us wisdom and insight…to stop the enemy before he can destroy! We honor and declare this day,…that with your help Father God,…we will remain a free nation and “One Nation Under God”!…In Jesus Name, Amen.

God bless you…and thank you, for this great privilege to share my heart…and may God continue to bless America!!!