Editors Note: This article is the second of two articles that recount the experiences of a group of Davis & Elkins College students and faculty who traveled to Cuba this past January as part of Sustainability Studies and Environmental Science courses. The first article is a reflection on the similarities of community in Cuba and West Virginia. The trip was part the college’s unique three week winter term. During winter term students are immersed in a single course that stresses experiential and participatory learning. Courses vary from staging an entire theatre production in three weeks to the colleges unique First-Year Symposium that works to engage students in our democracy. Winter term is also a great opportunity for students to travel. In recent years students have traveled to Nicaragua, Kenya, Peru, the Florida Everglades and Keys, and the Galapagos Islands.
After returning from Cuba and compiling the photos here are the best from the group. They appear in chronological order and are the ones Professor McClain and I felt best represented the trip.